In addition to offering a comprehensive selection of fishing
tackle and marine supplies, Falcon Lake Tackle provides Mexico
Fishing Licenses Also see:
Mexican Sport Fishing Regulations | Mexico
Travel Tips

State issued Licenses are available at Falcon Lake Tackle!
For complete info on Texas Fishing and Hunting Licenses and Regulations,
visit the TPWD
website or pick up their free annual guide anywhere licenses are sold (Not
available in Spanish,
Fishing (Type 201): Required of any resident (see RESIDENT below) who
fishes in the public waters of Texas (Note: All members of the U.S. Armed Forces
on active duty and their dependents are considered residents). You do not
need this license if you: - are under 17 years of age.
- were born BEFORE Sept. 1, 1930. - are a mentally disabled person who is
engaging in recreational fishing as part of medically approved therapy, and who
is fishing under the immediate supervision of personnel approved or employed by
a hospital, residence, or school for mentally disabled persons. The mentally disabled
person must carry an authorization identifying the entity supplying the service.
This authorization may be in the form of an I.D. card that contains the name of
the sponsoring entity. - hold a valid Super Combo, Resident Combination Hunting
and Fishing License or Texan Package. - hold a valid Temporary Resident Fishing
License. - hold a valid Special Resident Fishing License. - hold a valid
Disabled Veteran Hunting and Fishing License. - hold a Lifetime Resident Combination
Hunting and Fishing License. - hold a Lifetime Resident Fishing License Nonresident
Fishing (Type 205): This license or the Temporary Nonresident Fishing
License is required of all nonresidents who fish in the public waters of Texas.
This license is not required if you are a: - nonresident
under 17 years of age; or - Oklahoma resident 65 years of age or older; or
- Louisiana resident 65 years of age or older who possesses a valid Louisiana
Recreational Fishing License (includes Senior Hunt/Fish License) Temporary
(1-day or more) Nonresident Fishing Charges based on number of days 
All information updated as of December, 2019.
Mexican Fishing Licenses may be obtained by calling
Falcon Lake Tackle or in person at the store in Zapata.
We can mail you your license, you can pick it up here, or
we can send it to you electronically.
us in advance of your need will greatly simplify the process. 956-765-4866 Any
way you want it, we'll make it happen.. Mexican
Boat Permits are no longer required as of January
1, 2008! We mail all licenses
Priority Mail, and this is covered by the $9.95 mailing and handling fee. In so
doing we are able to obtain tracking. Sorry, we cannot be responsible for delayed
or lost licenses mailed according to instructions received. Payment and receipt
of all required documentation with a current expiration date, is required before
any license or permit will be processed by Falcon Lake Tackle for transmital.
We recommend a scanner and e-mail of documents because of readability issues
frequently encountered with fax transmittals. Because these are original documents
and must be reissued if lost, certified mail is utilized as the lowest class of
service acceptable. An overnight service is recommended with 2 or 3 day delivery
if time permits.
All Fishing Licenses issued by Falcon Lake Tackle are
obtained from the official Government of Mexico. All licenses and permits we issue
are reported back to this agency and you are legally licensed to fish and operate
a noncommercial boat in all Mexican waters. The names of Officials in this Office
are subject to change and may not be updated on a current basis. Rest assured
these are the Official Government documents and they are good for fishing all
Mexican waters.CAUTION: Licenses issued by some parties may
not meet the requirements of this agency and, if not official or are not properly
prepared, may in fact not afford you the protection you think you have purchased.
We recommend you purchase from only a reputable license location like Falcon Lake
Tackle who has sold these documents since 2000 without incidence of rejection.
will gladly take your info over the phone and get your license on its way to you..
Call 956-765-4866 to order your license by phone.. Mexican
Boat Permit Information: Mexican
Boat Permits NO LONGER
REQUIRED! Cost and Term: Mexican Fishing
Licenses are issued for $60.00. The annual documents are effective on the date
issued and are valid for one year from the issue date. No post dating is allowed.
One Week (Seven Day) fishing licenses are available for $40. We do not have a
provision for long distance charges included in this price so if we are required
to make long distance calls in order to clarify information, they will be charged
at $2.50 per call in addition to the above charges. Please feel free to call us
and follow up to make sure the information you faxed is usable. If you have a
scanner and computer, you can scan and transmit the information by e-mail and
the quality is much better. E-mail also makes it easy for us to communicate without
incurring long distance charges.We will do everything possible to make this a
satisfactory experience. However, we can not control the mail, and we recommend
you not wait until the last minute to begin this process. We will jump through
hoops to help you, but we are reticient to run through fire. Lost
or Destroyed Licenses: The only safe and sure way to cover this situation
(Lost License) is to purchase a new license, so guard your original carefully.
These documents are "Bought" when issued regardless of the receipt or
non-receipt thereof because we pay for the original sequentially-numbered document
in advance. Once information is added to the original, they cannot be reused.
We provide mail service as a convenience to out-of-town fishermen and women. Procedures/Policies:
1) Initiate request for issuance to Falcon Lake Tackle by Fax,
mail, e-mail or telephone the information required above. Fax: 956-765-5854,
Telephone 956-765-4866 E-mail: tom@falconlaketackle.com
2) Provide credit card information, send check (Note: Check payment causes delay
in transmittal of license until cleared) or money order in the amount indicated
plus $9.95 shipping/handling. If your timeframe is short, we can accept the information
over the telephone. However, if any of the information provided is either received
or entered incorrectly, the license is "bought" regardless because they
cannot be corrected. Please make sure the information communicated is correct
and that we have it recorded correctly. It is always preferable that information
be sent in written form. Also, we recommend that you do not utilize the US mail
if you need the documents quickly. We have experienced delays of two weeks or
more in USPS standard delivery and one set of documents from 2002 is yet to be
received or returned. 3) Falcon Lake Tackle will promptly process, mail, and
return the documents according to your instructions. Sorry, Falcon Lake Tackle
cannot be responsible for losses of documents in the mail or failure to send licenses
due to missing or errors in information. We can recommend use of a mail service
if requested. Last Fed Ex pickup is in Zapata at 1:00 pm Mon-Friday. No Saturday
service is available. The responsibility for selection of carrier is that of the
buyer and we cannot be responsible for the delivery and/or any delays after the
documents are propely mailed.. Note: To have a license
and/or permit prepared and ready for your pickup at Falcon Lake Tackle on Wednesday
through Sunday (or by appointment), follow Mail Issuance Procedure above and advise
date and time of pickup with transmittal of required information and payment.

Only one rod or line with
hook per person is permitted in the water, but there is no restriction regarding
the number of replacement items. The fishing license allows one to capture
only finfish. It does not allow capture of any mollusks
or crustaceans, and their capture by anyone is strictly prohibited. Totuava, turtles
and marine mammals are under protection of the Ministry and may not be captured
at any time. To capture bottom fish, up to four hooks
on a vertical line may be used. The use electric reels is restricted to disabled
fishermen only with written authorization from the Ministry required before

In ocean waters and estuaries the limit is a total of
ten fish per day, with no more
than 5 catches of a single specie, except of the species of Marlin, Sailfish,
Swordfish and Shark, of which only one specimen of either is allowed and which
counts as five of any specie, or Dorado, Roosterfish, Shad or Tarpon of which
only two samples of each specie are allowed and which also count as five of any
other specie. Limit on inland bodies of water (rivers, lakes, dams,
etc.) is five fish per day, whether of a single specie
or in combination. Underwater fishing is limited to five
fish per day, using rubber band or spring type harpoons, and only while
skin diving. There is no limit to the practice
of "catch and release", as long as the fish that exceed the bag limit be
returned to their environment in good survival condition. Where sportfishing
is conducted from boats out at sea for longer than three days, the bag limit will
be equivalent of three times the amounts mentioned above.

It is illegal to capture and maintain alive any fish for ornamental
purposes. It is prohibited to receive any financial gain from the product
obtained through sportfishing. It is prohibited to dump trash, litter or substances
that harm the aquatic flora or fauna, whether on lakes, river banks, shores or
oceanic waters. It is prohibited to collect shells, corals, sea anemones and
snails, or to disturb the original ecosystem environment. It is prohibited
to practice sportfishing 250 meters or less from swimmers. It is prohibited
to use artificial lighting to attract large quantities of fish. It is prohibited
to discharge firearms in Mexican waters. It is requested that all unusual
activities, occurrences or record catches be reported to the Comision Nacional
De Acuacultura Y Pesca, or to its representative in San Diego, CA., in order to
ensure the preservation of natural resources for the continued enjoyment of all
fishermen. It is prohibited to filet fish caught under a sportfishing license
aboard the vessel from which it was caught.

Q: Will the licenses we purchase for
Falcon be valid for other lakes in Mexico? A: Yes, the licenses
we sell are obtained from the designated Mexico Government Agency. Q:
What information is required to obtain a Mexican Fishing License?
A: Name address, city and state plus the date you want the license issued.
Q: Do we have to come to Falcon Lake to get the documents?
A: No, we can issue them by mail using the procedure outlined above. If your need
is immediate we can scan and email or fax copies to you and then mail the original
documents. Q: Can we pay for the permit and license now
and have it issued for a later effective date? A: Yes.. Licenses
can have any desigated starting date as of the summer of 2019. Q:
Can the documents be purchased other places for less than the amount charged by
Falcon Lake Tackle? A: We have heard that there are some places
in Mexico where these documents can be purchased for less, but we have also heard
that some of these licenses are not legal because they are not issued by the official
Mexico Government Agency. In order to obtain the authorization to sell licenses,
we are required to go through an extensive licensing procedure, then we must purchase
the licenses in advance and send the documents Federal Express to and from California.
We are also required to submit payment by Cashier's Check and do periodic reports
via Fed Ex to the Mexico Government. We have to make copies of documents to enclose
with the transmittal to Mexico. The charges barely cover our cost and we provide
these as a courtesy to our customers. We advise anyone asking about this to be
careful about where and from whom you purchase these documents. Purchase only
from a Mexican Government facility or someone authorized by them to sell documents.
The amounts reflected on the front of the documents is what we pay for purchase
of the document from the Mexican Government and the difference between that and
the total we charge is required to cover costs. A note of
Caution. These are original documents and must be issued correctly. Corrections
visible to the eye may be viewed as fradulent by enforcement personnel and could
invalidate the licenses. Some establishments selling these licenses are careless
and do not assure the correct info is reflected. Beware of careless, ignorant
or unskilled issuers. You may be paying for invalid document(s) and
conequently placing your equipment in jeporady. A: In some instances,
the licenses information may have hit the state computer system and you can obtain
a copy from any state tax office. If sufficient time has not passed since renewal
or registration, the information may not be available on the computer and if it
is not, we cannot issue a boat permit. We
suggest that when buying a boat you insist the dealer send someone to a TPWD issuing
office and obtain the Texas Certificate of Number for a Boat before you take delivery.
This is a one day deal and can expedite licensure.